As all our products are made to order, we will be shipping them to you within a period of 10-15 days from the date of order confirmation.

Shipping within India:

Shipping cost is based on weight. Just add products to your cart and use the shipping calculator to see the shipping price.

Though we use some of India's largest logistics companies for shipping, we are bound in coverage by their reach. In case your address is in a location not served by them we would contact you to do our best to find an alternative solution to make your order reach you. Please Note- During festivals, adverse weather conditions or political crises, your shipment could get further delayed. We ensure you that we will try our best to have your parcel delivered to you in good time or else will be notified.

We do not ship to V.P.O (Village Post Office) addresses

Shipping outside India:

For International deliveries a small amount for shipping will be levied at the time of checkout. We have a standard shipping charge of Rs. 2500 for the first item you buy and Rs.800 for every subsequent item, for example:

For deliveries outside India, customs duties and local taxes have to be paid by customers to our shipping partner at the time of shipment delivery. The amount of duties and taxes depend on the policies of your destination country.

Delivery Time for your order starts from the date of Order Confirmation.

We use the most reliable courier services for deliveries.

At times orders can get delayed for reasons outside of our control. If your order is delayed beyond 3 weeks of the estimated Delivery Time for some unforeseen reasons, we will get in touch with you to check if you would still like to continue with your order.